QR Codes for email addresses

Turn your email address into a QR code

Turn your email address into a “fast-track” communication tool with the help of our Email address QR code. Generate the QR code, attach it to your promotional material and hand it out. Now, your audience no longer has to enter your address when sending you an email. A simple scan will do that for them!

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Email marketing is a long-term strategy with ongoing benefits. While it's easy to understand that you should send welcome emails and drip your content over a month, it's not so simple to use email effectively.

If you focus on reaching new customers through email, then you need to take care in the way you design your messages. You also need to find a constant way to attract email subscribers.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a method of marketing that uses email to send messages to potential customers. The messages can be used for direct marketing, such as the sending of email newsletters and other promotional emails. It can also be used to promote products and services, by sending out regular newsletters to customers or subscribers.

Email marketing has become an important means of communication since it provides an efficient way of getting your message across to people. It is one of the most cost-effective methods of advertising, especially when compared with other traditional forms such as newspaper ads or television commercials.

Uses of email marketing in business

Email marketing can be used for many purposes, such as the following:

Promoting your business or organization's products or services

A great example of this is a restaurant that emails potential customers on the first day of their open hours. They're not only promoting their food and drink but also showing them that they're serious about customer service.

Promoting events and sales

Email newsletters are a good way to promote events, such as concerts and festivals, as well as seasonal sales. For instance, if you own a clothing store, you might want to send an email about upcoming deals on items like sweaters or jackets.

Lead generation

Email marketing can be used to generate leads for various types of businesses. For instance, if you own a bakery and want new customers for your bread and pastries, you can use an email newsletter to let people know about new items or events coming up at your bakery. The goal here is simple: get people interested in what you do so they'll want to learn more about it!

Sending updates about new product releases

This is a great way to keep your customers in the loop and ensure that they always know about new products or service options. You can target your emails based on past purchases, current orders, and social media data.

Reaching out to past customers

If someone has been a loyal customer for years, chances are they've forgotten about their account by now. Email marketing allows you to reach out to past customers and remind them about your services or products so they don't miss out on any sales opportunities!

How to get started with email marketing?

Email marketing is a great way to engage with your audience, promote your business, and increase sales. Below are some tips on how to get started with email marketing:

  • Pick a plan that fits your budget and needs. Most businesses choose an automated email service provider (ESP), which includes all the tools and processes required to create, send and track emails.
  • Choose the right email software platform. Depending on the size of your company and what kind of messages you want to send, you may need multiple platforms or one platform for all correspondence with customers or prospects. Some software platforms are better for sending transactional emails (for example, invoices or purchase confirmations) than others.
  • Create good subject lines. Feature keywords in your content so people can find what they're looking for quickly when opening their inboxes.
  • Get creative with your content. You don't have to use the same format for every newsletter you send out, but don't be afraid of using images or links in your newsletters either.
  • Use opt-in forms wisely. Don't bombard subscribers with too many emails; opt-in forms should only be used when sending out newsletters that contain valuable information or offers (like offers for discounts or free products).
  • Invite subscribers to participate in polls and surveys. This is a great way for companies to get feedback from their customers about what they think about the company's product or service offerings — and it's also an excellent way for companies to learn more about their customers' needs and wants.

Types of emails to send and when to send them


This is usually an announcement that offers a special deal or coupon you want people to take advantage of immediately. Promotional emails are also known as “lead generation” emails since they help you acquire new clients by getting them to sign up for your services or products.


These are more informational emails that tell people about upcoming events, contests, and promotions, or send out information about new products. Communication newsletters are typically sent less frequently than promotional ones because they don’t offer any discount or incentive for signing up now; instead, they provide helpful information about what’s going on in your business at that moment in time.

Market research & analysis

Market research & analysis (MRA) emails are sent out only when there’s something new coming soon that your customers might be interested in learning more about (e.g., new sales/promotions). You can also use MRA emails to find out if there’s something else that people would like to know more about (e.g., product updates).

How To Get More Email Subscribers?

For an email campaign to be successful, you need to get the right people on your list. To do this, consider doing the following:

Promote email subscriptions at checkout

You can use an email subscription form at the checkout stage to encourage visitors to subscribe. This can be a great way to get people back on your list and they'll receive your emails in their inbox, unlike unsubscribing when they log out of your site.

Add a free trial offer

Offer something free for people who sign up for your newsletters or email marketing service, such as a free guide or webinar recording. This helps you build trust with them and increase your chances of them returning for more content in the future.

Use storytelling in sign-up forms

The easiest place to start telling your story is in your sign-up form. People want to know what's inside your product before clicking "send." So tell them! Tell them about how it works and why it works so well for them (and their customers). Tell them about how you've solved issues for others just like them in the past, or how you've solved similar problems for people who come from similar backgrounds as theirs.

Run a giveaway or contest

Giveaways are a great way to grow your email list and engage with your audience. They can also help promote your business and increase sales. For example, you could run a contest where entrants have to answer a question and then put their name in the hat for a chance to win a prize. Also, you could run a giveaway where people enter by sharing your post on social media or other channels they follow. This helps them spread the word about the giveaway and encourage others to participate as well.

Offer an incentive for subscribers

If you're offering a free eBook or guide, offer a free gift to those who sign up. This can be in the form of a discount voucher or other gifts like a t-shirt, mug, or postcard.

Offer a discount for subscribers who refer friends

Offer some sort of referral code that you can use to get your new subscriber's email address. Alternatively, you can ask them to share their email address with others. This could be done on social media platforms such as Facebook and X, or by using email marketing software like MailChimp or Aweber.

Keep sign-up forms short and sweet

If you have a long form to sign up for your email list, you could be losing out on subscribers who don't want to spend their time filling it out. It's important to keep sign-up forms short so that users can easily read them and understand what they need to do.

Use QR Codes for Email Address

The easiest way to get more email subscribers is by sharing your email address with others. The most common way is to use QR codes.

QR codes (Quick Response) are small squares of black and white that can be scanned with a smartphone camera to access web pages or other types of content. They are used in newspapers, magazines, billboards, restaurant menus, and many other places where people scan them with their phones to read something.

Here are some ways you can use QR codes to get more subscribers:

  • Put a QR code on the back of your business cards and brochures so people can scan them with their smartphones and instantly sign up without having to type in an address or fill out any information.
  • Create a QR code on your website that directs users to sign up for your newsletter or other forms of communication (like an e-newsletter).
  • Make it easy for users to add themselves to your mailing list by adding a "Join Our Mailing List" link to their profile page.

The best thing about our Email address QR code

The world of work is becoming increasingly fast-paced. Stay on top of it by fast-tracking your email conversations. Our email QR codes are your best choice if you want to increase the reach of your email while lowering the barriers to entry. The idea is to make it simple for people to send you an email without having to type an email address.

Use it to boost access to your inbox. With a simple scan, your employees, customers, and leads can effortlessly contact you. Avoid time losses, clumsy processes, and unnecessary communication expenses.

How to Create QR Codes for Email Address?

Creating a QR code for an email address is easy. Just follow these steps outlined below:

Go to QR Stuff’s QR Code Generator for email address

Make sure to select email address as your data type. Log into your account if you’re a paid user. If not, proceed to the next step.

Let us know your email address.

Provide your email address on the designated text box.

Style your QR Code.

Change the colors of your QR code, if desired. You can also insert an image or a logo at the center of your code.

Test your QR code & download.

Make sure to test the QR code flashed on the right side of the page. Then, download.

Create QR Codes that Stand Out!

Paid QRStuff subscribers enjoy more features on our QR Code Generator.

When you sign up to a Full Suite plan, you get to use all features on the Style page. This means distinct QR codes for email addresses where you can embed your business logo. No more plain black & white QR codes for you when you upgrade. You can choose the colors of your QR code and match it to your business brand colors.

Track Your QR Code Analytics

Another useful feature to look forward to in your upgrade is access to the analytics data of your QR codes. Once you upgrade, you’ll be able to see the data of the dynamic codes you’re going to create. The analytics data include date, time, device type, and location for each scan event that’s happening in your dynamic codes. This allows you to learn about your target audience and where, when, and how often do you get interactions with your email address QR codes. From this data, you can make the necessary adjustments in your strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! Yes, you can create a QR code for an email address. This QR code will direct people scanning it to a blank email message with your email address set as the recipient. This makes it easy for people to send you an email. Aside from that, it only takes less than a minute to create a QR code for your email address. All you need is a QR code generator to create one.

If you happen to see a QR code from an email, you only need to use a QR code reader to scan the code. If you received the QR code in your mobile, you can open an online QR scanner on your computer or laptop to scan the code, and vice versa. In case you’re away from your computer when you see the QR code, you can also scan the code using Google Lens.