Is your business affected by the pandemic COVID-19?
Different types of businesses all over the world are taking a hit because of the infamous COVID-19. However, that doesn't mean it should be the end of a business.
Since most households now have access to the Internet, working from home is feasible.
Working from home brings convenience to both the employer and employee.
Employers can still assign tasks to their employees whenever they want to as long as they are connected to the Internet. Also, their files are more secure on the Cloud.
For employees, working from home brings several advantages as well. It allows them to balance their personal and work hours. They can work any time they want.
Though working from home is convenient, employers may worry about how they can make sure their employees are working their required work hours.
Fortunately, there's an easy fix for this problem. Business owners can just use QR codes.
QR codes can hold information about a certain individual. It can work just like a traditional ID but with added security and features.
Using QR Codes for Tracking Work from Home Employees
QR codes can make working from home easier for your employees. Just provide a QR code for them that they simply scan when logging in and out.
They just need to scan the QR code before they start working and scan it again when they are done for the day. Every time they scan the QR code, they input their name and the necessary details are recorded to a corresponding spreadsheet. These details include the date, time and device, and even the location (if you so choose) of the staff.
In this blog post, I’ll show you how to create attendance tracking QR codes for your Work from Home employees.
Creating Attendance Tracking QR Codes for Work from Home Employees
- Go to https://www.qrstuff.com/type/attendance and have the “Attendance tracking” data type pre-selected from the first section.
- From the “Content” section, click the “Google Sheet name” field. When a pop-up dialog appears, log in to your Google account. After you log in, this gives permission to QRStuff to create a new spreadsheet in your Google Drive and update it every time a user scans the QR code. (Note: The access authority is only limited to the said tracking spreadsheet and doesn’t give us any other user privileges for your Google account.) After that, enter a name in the “Google Sheet Name” field.
- Next, enter the needed information in the fields under Event Details: Location Name, Action Description, and Event Description. For this blog post, we can use “Employee’s Residence” as the Location Name, “Log-in/Log-out” as the Action Description, and “Work Log” as the Event Description.
- Mark the box “Display an Attendee Prompt” under the Attendee Prompt section. Your employee then has to enter his full name when he scans the QR code.
- If you must check where your employee is while at work, you can check “Record Device Location” from the Record Location section. When you enable this feature, the QR code requires each employee scanning the QR code to provide his location. Otherwise, the check-out entry won’t be saved in the Google spreadsheet.
- Lastly, you can now download the QR code.
How the QR Code Works
Before an employee starts to work, he scans the attendance tracking QR code. This serves as log-in and the time recording in the spreadsheet indicates the time he started working for the day.
Upon scanning the QR code, the employee is prompted to fill in his “Full Name” in the text box. When he clicks the “Check-in” button, the screen provides him with the location name, action and event description. The details about the scan event are then recorded to the corresponding Google spreadsheet of the QR code which also includes the geolocation of the employee if you clicked the “Record Location” feature.
When an employee is done for the day’s shift, he scans the QR code again, provides his “Full Name” and the same process follows.
About Your Google Sheet
As an employer, you need to monitor the performance of your work from home employees. You can do that by checking the spreadsheet designated to the QR code you created. Just log in to your account at https://docs.google.com and find the file name you provided in creating the QR code.
Here’s what you see in the spreadsheet containing the details of the scan events of your QR code. If anyone needs access to the spreadsheet, they can have access if you click the “Share” button in the top right of the screen.
Make It A Bit Fancy
Our paid subscribers enjoy more privileges in using our QR code generator. Other than customizing the colors of the dots and corners of their QR code, they can also insert their desired logo in the center of their QR code. They just need to follow the same steps outlined above and proceed to the “Style” section before downloading the QR code.
Only paid subscribers are allowed to use and enjoy the Style section where they can generate QR codes like the one displayed above.
See It In Action
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Become a QR Stuff paid subscriber and get unlimited QR codes, unlimited scans, analytics reporting, editable dynamic QR codes, high resolution and vector QR code images, batch processing, password-protected QR codes, QR code styling, QR code pausing and scheduling and more, for one low subscription fee. Full subscriptions start from just $11.95 for a 1-month subscription (lower monthly rates for longer periods). Subscribe now.
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